Protect what matters to you with independent insurance advice

Insurance to protect your way of life.

The right cover will give you, and your family, peace of mind for the future. We work with all of New Zealand’s leading insurance providers to find the cover that’s right for you, at the most competitive rate.

Big milestones in life like buying a house, having a child or getting married or separated are key times to reevaluate your insurance needs. Get in touch for a free insurance evaluation.


Life and living insurance.

When life throws something unexpected at you we want to make sure that you, or your family, have what’s needed to get through it. At Orange Network, we understand that conversations about life and living insurance can be difficult to have. No one wants to consider the worst case scenario, especially when you hear insurance terms like ‘trauma cover’ or ‘total and permanent disablement’ thrown around like items on a shopping list. We’re proud to treat you like a real person and have honest, human conversations. We’ll support you to find the right cover, so you can feel confident your family is protected if the unimaginable were to happen.

Income protection insurance.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are - now it’s time to protect your way of life. If you were suddenly unable to work because of a prolonged illness or disability, how would you pay the bills? The right income protection insurance means you’d still be able to pay for the things you’d need to keep your life on track. An expert Orange Network adviser will help you put together an insurance plan so, if you ever needed to claim, things will be taken care of and you can focus on the road to recovery.

Health insurance.

Get quicker access to treatment without waiting in the public healthcare system. From a broken leg right through to cancer treatment, access to private hospitals and medical providers will ensure you get the best possible care during the worst possible times. Comprehensive health insurance can also cover you for everyday things like dental treatment, prescription glasses and GP visits. An expert Orange Network adviser will take the time to understand what matters to you and what protection is right for your family.

Business insurance.

People are at the heart of a company’s success. For many small and medium sized businesses one or two essential team members keep the ship steady. What would happen if you, or an integral member of your team, were out of action for a prolonged period of time due to illness, injury or even death? While you’ve probably got insurance to protect your equipment, tools or premises, we will support you to insure your most valuable asset - your people. An expert Orange Network adviser can help you build an insurance solution that ensures your business is protected and able to keep paying the bills.

We also build packages for organisations wanting to offer cover, like health insurance, as a perk to loyal and valued staff.